Herb Salt 2024
Certified Organic, finely ground herbs to assist a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Add to salads, soups, sandwiches and anything you cook.
WebMD reports Artichoke is most commonly used for indigestion (dyspepsia) and high levels of cholesterol or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia). It is also used for high blood pressure, hepatitis C, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
Certified Organic, finely ground herbs to assist a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Add to salads, soups, sandwiches and anything you cook.
Certified Organic Rosehip Tincture, Traditionally Hand Made, Soaked for 15 years, producing a superior quality. 100 ml Bottle
Certified Organic, finely ground herbs to assist a healthy digestive system and metabolism. Add to salads, soups, sandwiches and anything you cook.
Initial Consultation is a one and a half-hour phone appointment. Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation Note - this may mean we would need more time and it may take a few consultations to complete this full health appraisal
Wildcrafted Golden Seal Tincture, soaked in 1996 means it is of a quality no longer available. 20ml Bottle
After your Initial Consultation, you may have Follow-up Consultations This follow-up is half an hour to forty-five minutes Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation Note - this may mean we would need more time and it may take a few phone consultations to complete this health appraisal
Certified Organic Tincture, Traditionally hand made, soaked for 6 years producing a superior quality. 100ml Bottle
After your Initial Consultation, you may have Follow-up Consultations short follow-up consultation 20 mins Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation
Certified Organic Tincture, Traditionally hand made, soaked for 10 years producing a superior quality. 100ml Bottle