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Spaghetti Bolognese
Spaghetti Bolognese
Spaghetti Bolognese         1 kg of good quality Beef Mince...
Apr 29, 2021 Debra Hearn 5292 0
Winter Eating
Winter eating plan   This diet has been designed to suite a...
Jul 5, 2017 Debra Hearn 1518 0
Dill for Baby
Dill for Baby Throughout history parents have used herbs to help babies...
Jul 5, 2017 Debra Hearn 1418 0

an Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation is a one and a half-hour phone appointment.

Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation

Note - this may mean we would need more time and it may take a few consultations to complete this full health appraisal


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This is a Full Consultation with Debbie Hearn, which includes a personal discussion about your full health history, assessment of Your Obstacles to Cure, specific complaints, eating patterns, lifestyle, fitness levels. 

Includes Iridology, Oriental Pulse and Tongue Assessment, Oriental Facial Assessment.

Also, an Assessment of your current 12 month's Blood Tests (Pathology) if you have them available on the day otherwise blood tests can be ordered through Clinipath one of WA's biggest Pathology Centres.  

This assessment is from a Naturopathic view of Pathology which enables Debbie to target the areas of your health which need fine-tuning with recommendations of Diet and Lifestyle, specific foods, herbs, supplements or exercises, sunshine, and happiness activities to restore Wellbeing.

A suggestion sheet is provided, detailing all-natural therapies required to normalize health, including realistic time frames.

Product Details
16 other products in the same category:

Rose Hip Tincture

Certified Organic Rosehip Tincture, Traditionally Hand Made, Soaked for 15 years, producing a superior quality.   100 ml Bottle

Price A$32.00

Globe Artichoke Tincture

Traditionally Hand Made, Soaked for 7 years, producing a superior quality.  100ml bottle, other sizes are available please contact me if required Animal use - Artichokes may help dogs with irritable bowels

Price A$32.00

Herb Salt 2024

Certified Organic, finely ground herbs to assist a healthy digestive system and metabolism.  Add to salads, soups, sandwiches and anything you cook.  

Price A$30.00

Follow-up Consultation - long/pathology assessment

After your Initial Consultation, you may have Follow-up Consultations This follow-up is half an hour to forty-five minutes  Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation Note - this may mean we would need more time and it may take a few phone consultations to complete this health appraisal 

Price A$75.00

Follow-up Consultation - short

After your Initial Consultation, you may have Follow-up Consultations short follow-up consultation 20 mins Due to the current pandemic, we are offering Phone Consultation

Price A$50.00

Anything Ointement

Our most popular ointment - uses from facial and body moisturizer - rashes - eczema - wounds in fact anything, thus its name 

Price A$35.00

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