
A 20 year old female who does less than 30 minutes exercise daily requires an oil intake of approximately 6 teaspoons.
A 20 year old female who does more than 60 minutes per day requires 7 teaspoons.
A 20 year old male who does less than 30 minutes exercise daily requires 8 teaspoons.
A 20 year old male who does more than 60 minutes exercise daily requires 10 teaspoons daily. Ask your Naturopath what is your daily requirement.
A 65 year old male who does 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily needs 7 teaspoons of oil daily.
A 65 year old female who does 30 minutes of exercise daily requires 5 teaspoons of oil per day.
Ask your Naturopath about your daily requirements.
Let’s attempt to understand the important role
cholesterol plays in the body without going too deep.
Cholesterol is a fat that
is manufactured in the liver and plays a vital role in the
health of every cell in the body. It is necessary for the
brain and nervous system to function properly and for
the manufacture of sex hormones, etc.
There is a lot of confusion about cholesterol and fats.
Many people believe that margarine is good for them and
that butter is bad. This is far from the truth! Chemicals
that harden margarine can also harden the arteries. A
little real butter is better for you. Butter contains
Vitamin A, which is great for the eyes. It also contains
some protein. Butter will melt easily in the sunshine,
while margarine will not. Stay away from margarine
and avoid hydrogenated oils and polyunsaturated oils
as well. Read labels! Avoid foods cooked in fat or lard.
All of these are bad fats and clog up the arteries. Add
some good fats to your diet such as raw organic cold
pressed flaxseed oil, borage oil, coconut oil, pumpkin seed oil,
sunflower seed oil, safflower oil, evening primrose oil,
blackcurrant seed oil and olive oil also foods like
Avocado, cream, crayfish, oysters. Believe it or not
good fats help to lower cholesterol. They increase
immunity and help protect the body from certain types
of cancer. They keep the hair shiny, the nails healthy
and the skin moist. Good oils and good cholesterol
also are needed for the nervous system and the
hormones. You can have your cholesterol and lipids
tested through a blood test. If your cholesterol and
your triglycerides are high, often the good oil (HDL) is
low; this indicates a “good oil” deficiency. If this is true
for your blood profile then Good fats should be an
important part of your diet. Avocados are a good fat.
Eat nuts and seeds sparingly unless they have been
soaked. Soaking them for 12 hours takes out half the
fat and helps them to digest much easier. Cook only
with cold pressed olive oil, grapeseed oil or coconut
oil. These oils can be heated safely. Do not cook with
any other oil. Heating oil’s to high temperatures can
change their chemical structure and cause them to
become harmful to the body. To lower cholesterol, eat
foods high in fibre such as whole grains including
oats, barley, millet and quinoa, beans, steamed
vegetables and salads. Oat bran and rice bran are
particularly good in helping to lower cholesterol levels.
Use these high fibre brans in muffins, whole grain
breads or whole grain pancakes. Use apple pectin or
citrus pectin that binds to plaque and fat and pulls it out
of the body. Stir a tablespoon up in apple juice and
water and drink each day. Eat lots of garlic or take
garlic capsules. Eat beets or take beet tablets. Beets
help to cleanse the liver and gallbladder. Eat raw
grated beets, steamed beets (I love mine baked like
potato – yum) and drink raw vegetable juices that
contain beet such as carrot, celery, beet juice. Juice
Plus is the easiest way to bring your daily intake of fruit
& veg up to 9 serves per day. Carrots and carrot juice
also flush fat from the bile in the liver and help control
cholesterol. Add some bitter greens to your diet as
well such as parsley, cilantro, kale, chard, carrot tops,
collards and mustard greens. Bitter greens are great
cleansers for the liver. Ginger and Cayenne help to
improve circulation and also help lower cholesterol.
Ginger is great in raw vegetable juice or have it as an
herb tea with a little honey. Cayenne is good sprinkled
on soups, steamed vegetables and salads. Use
lemon juice and olive oil or raw apple cider vinegar
and olive oil as salad dressings. Another nice salad
dressing is half balsamic vinegar & half first press
olive oil. These combinations help to cleanse the liver
and lower cholesterol. Drink lemon juice in water with
a bit of cayenne sprinkled in. Drink raw apple cider
vinegar 20 mL and a little honey. Raw apple cider
vinegar (ACV) aids digestion, assists weight reduction and
lowers cholesterol and balances the body’s ph.
ACV recommended daily dose is 20 ml daily for 3 months to balance ph.
LECITHIN is a powerful emulsifier that helps to break
up and dissolve plaque in the arteries and lower
cholesterol. It helps to keep the arteries from
hardening, and prevent heart disease. Lecithin helps
repair damage to the liver and keeps it working well. In
addition to lowering cholesterol, lecithin is essential to
the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
Lecithin is a natural constituent of every cell
membrane which helps to emulsify cholesterol.
Lecithin unites with iron, iodine and calcium to give
vigour to the brain, nerves and digestive organs.
Lecithin granules have a delicious nutty flavour and can
be stirred up in juices, sprinkled over cereals and
salads and added to soups. (Be sure to add the
lecithin to all foods after cooking to preserve the
nutritional value.) Lecithin can also be taken in
capsule form.
Foods High in Lecithin are egg yolk, soy beans, corn
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Ultra-violet rays
activate cholesterol activity. Helps to stimulate enzyme
action, stabilizes nerve, spleen, hearing, blood clotting
factors, and utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin D is found in sunshine (recommended 20
minutes of early morning or late afternoon sun daily.)
Foods High in Vitamin D are salmon, sardines,
herring, egg yolk, organ meats, whole milk.
Vitamin E protect the arterial walls from the effects of
pollution, cigarette smoke and other forms of arterial
Foods with a good amount of cholesterol
Butter, cream, cream cheese, Camembert cheese,
cheddar cheese, hard cheeses, Edam cheese,
mozzarella, Swiss cheese, crab meat, crayfish,
oysters, beef, brains, lamb, liver, pork, turkey, veal,
caviar, kidneys. Personally I don’t eat organs except for liver.
ALFALFA has great cholesterol lowering benefits. For
anyone with high cholesterol or constipation, alfalfa
works wonders. Alfalfa is loaded with fibre that works
like brooms sweeping the arteries and colon clean. As
it cleanses, it pulls plaque, cholesterol and mucus out
of the body. Alfalfa is high in chlorophyll and minerals
so it is a wonderful blood builder. It helps to relieve
gout, arthritis, haemorrhoids, diverticulitis, ulcers, bad
breath, body odours and bleeding gums. Alfalfa also
balances blood sugar so it is beneficial for both the
diabetic and the hypoglycaemic. It even helps those
who are dieting not to crave sweets or be hungry.
For those people who do not like vegetables or do not
eat enough salads or Fruit , Juice Plus+ is a must, in my opinion.
Tomato Juice
Tomatoes stimulate the production of the amino acid carnitine which research shows speeds the body’s fat-burning capacity by over 30 percent.
Because tomatoes are a rich source of the phytonutrients beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, they can help improve vision and protect your eyes from degeneration.
Tomato juice helps to reduce the risk of blood clots. The excessive clumping together of platelet cells can cause problems for our bloodstream in terms of blockage and unwanted clotting, and prevention of this excessive clumping is important for maintaining heart health. Numerous phytonutrients in tomatoes have been shown to help prevent excessive clumping of our platelet cells.
I love Pate, thought I would share my recipe
Pate – chicken liver (organic livers only)
Put olive oil, teriyaki sauce, 6 cloves crushed garlic in pan with livers, diced onion, and herb salt, brown lightly. Add 6 grated carrots, 4 thinly sliced celery sticks, 1 peeled and sliced sweet potato, 1 small butternut pumpkin peeled and sliced. Brown lightly. Cover with purified water. Bring to the boil, add 1-teaspoon celery seed, a dash of kelp powder, and then simmer for 20 minutes. Mix 2 tablespoons of agar-agar powder in a cup of hot water and blend, add to mix at this point. you can add more Agar if it is not setting enough. Test by dropping a teaspoon into a cup of cold water. 500gms liver needs about 1.5 litres of fluid. Let cool for 15 minutes, blend and pour into a dish, put in fridge and cool – when set – serve on a bed of lettuce, use salad sticks as dippers.
If you feel you need to take an oil supplement you need to take evening primrose, flax seed oil and a fish oil in combination to optimise the uptake of the oils, research shows taking a single oil does not show an effect on cholesterol or HDL levels.
Oils —- drink it and put in on your skin daily
Olive oil is one of the best health oils. We need oil for hormone production, to reduce cholesterol, fatty acids coat nerves, and all membranes in the body, which all need oil, it surrounds every cell in our body.
Olive oil stimulates digestion and the appetite. Olive oil must be raw to count as part of your daily intake, cooked oil is rancid and not utilised by the body.
Flax seed oil is also a very valuable oil and do not forget to have about 4 courses of fish oils per year if you are not eating 4 serves of fish per week. For a balanced oil intake we should be taking at least one oil per day – one day fish oil, the next olive oil, the next flax seed oil this gives a nice balance at the end of each year.
The seasonal aspect of taking oil is Deep Sea Fish oil in the summer and plant oils in the winter. Plant oils tend to thin the blood, which effect we need in the winter as the summer heat naturally thins your blood.
Butter versus margarine –
Margarine is synthetic and on a healthy level butter is the best. Margarine has been linked with diseases of the arteries. Research shows when you switch to butter the damage is reversed over time.
So if you want to lower cholesterol and reduce body fat, a combination of these natural nutrients taken daily can have great benefits. If you are taking a cholesterol lowering medication, consult your doctor before discontinuing any prescription. Also if you are taking a cholesterol lowering medication, have you checked your liver pathology lately – as these medications can impact on the liver. Your liver pathology should be checked every 3 to 6 months.